Emotions & Metaphysical Kinesiology

Kinesiology (kin-easy-ology) – Kinesiology is natural therapy that uses muscle reflex testing to tap into the subconscious mind to identify and clear stress. Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology (EMK) is a beautiful and gentle process of energy healing that clears pain, fear and stress on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

Hara-K Therapy

In Japanese, the word ‘hara’ refers both to the belly and to the qualities that emerge as a person activates the life force concentrated in the belly. A ‘person of hara’ is one who lives with creativity, courage, confidence, purpose, integrity and endurance. Through healing the emotional pain that is held within the hara, a person is able to fully embrace these qualities. The letter ‘K’ in Hara-K is short for kinesiology which is the therapeutic process for healing the mind, body and spirit – and activating the hara.

Sam Louise Cordes (she/her)

Sam is a dedicated kinesiologist with a profound commitment to guiding individuals on their journey of growth and self-improvement.

Through her compassionate and nurturing approach, she assists clients in alleviating emotional stressors and physical discomfort, fostering a warm and supportive environment for transformative change.

Sam is based in the Adelaide Hills. She works from the Mount Barker Clinic at 72 Hutchinson Street and offers online sessions via Zoom.

Book a session with Sam